Tuesday, March 18, 2025

The Voice – "Train to Disaster" (1965)

You know the end is near

And you’re laughing out of fear

Here’s a quote you might have read recently:

You know, I do the weave.  You know what the weave is?  I’ll talk about like nine different things, and they all come back brilliantly together and it’s like, and friends of mine that are, like, English professors, they say, ‘It’s the most brilliant thing I’ve ever seen.’  But the fake news, you know what they say?  ‘He rambled.’

The person who said those words?  None other than our 47th President, Donald John Trump.

What I found most interesting about that quote is that it applies one hundred percent – maybe even one hundred and ten percent – to 2 or 3 lines.

*     *     *     *     *

I gave birth to 2 or 3 lines on November 1, 2009  – long before Donald Trump declared his candidacy for the 2016 Republican Presidential nomination.  (I’m sure you remember how that campaign turned out.)

The weave is real!

I’m not saying that President Trump stole “ the weave” from me.  Maybe it’s just a coincidence that “the weave” so closely resembles my rhetorical style.  

Do you believe in coincidences?  Albert Einstein didn’t.  “Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous,” he once said.

If you don’t believe Einstein – who was about a thousand times smarter than you are – maybe you’ll be persuaded by something that best-selling author Jim Butcher wrote:

Last year in the U.S. alone more than nine hundred thousand people were reported missing and not found.

That's out of three hundred million, total population. That breaks down to about one person in 325 vanishing every year.

Maybe it’s a coincidence, but its almost the same loss ratio experienced by herd animals on the African savannah to large predators.

(Case closed.)

*     *     *     *     *

“Train to Disaster” was the only single The Voice ever released.  Most of the group’s members were also members of an odd religious cult called The Process, who worshipped both Christ and Satan.  When they upped and moved to the Bahamas with the rest of the cult’s members in 1966, that was the end of The Voice.

Fun fact: The Voice once called themselves Karl Stuart and the Profile – even though there was no one named Karl Stuart in the band.

Click here to listen to “Train to Disaster.”

Click here to buy the recording from Amazon. 

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