Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Soho – "Hippychick" (1990)

Got no flowers for your gun

No hippychick!

One of my favorite bike trails goes past the lot in College Park, Maryland, where University of Maryland Police impound vehicles with an excessive number of unpaid parking violations.

Today as I rode past it, I saw a man writing something on the “Police Impound Lot” sign mounted on the chain-link fence that surrounds that lot. 

As you can see from the following photo, the man I saw – who is apparently a serious grammar Nazi – changed that to “Police Impounded Lot”:

Imagine being such a pedantic busybody that you walk around carrying a magic marker and looking for signs to correct.  There are sooooo many more important things to worry about.  This guy needs to get a life – right?  

Not to mention that “Police Impounded Lot” isn’t even correct!  The sign should have read “Police Impoundment Lot”!

*     *     *     *     *

Soho is an English group that features identical twins Jacqui and Pauline Cuff.  Their 1990 hit, “Hippychick,” opens with a sample from the Smiths’ best single, “How Soon Is Now?”

Click here to listen to “Hippychick.”

Click here to order that recording from Amazon.

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